Sunday, June 29, 2014

Al Gore on Ellen admits to chemtrails and weather control programs.

William Tell shared a link.
June 10, 2013
Mr Gore , you are going to have a live podcast and only allow the reading of hand selected comments that support your "theory" about global climate change? And to accuse the masses of citizens for this occurrence when in fact the corporate criminals are the ones doing the most damage to our planet by using outdated technology , disposing of hazardous materials in illegal fashion because the EPA fine is a lower amount than the cost of proper procedures of disposal . And lets not forget flying in our friendly skies are thousands of aircraft constantly spraying the land and the people with a toxic cocktail made of Barium Oxide, Aluminum Oxide , Strontium and a myriad of other unknown compounds. Some independent laboratories have even detected human blood cells in the samples that were provided to them by private citizens! Then there is Monsanto . I could write a thesis on the evils of this mega-corporation and their ties to the government agenda , which includes agenda 21. *( if you don't know what agenda 21 is please stop reading this right now and look it up on the web browser of your choice.) Did you ever stop to consider that genetic modification of plants and animals on a large scale could cause our perfectly balanced ecosystem to respond in a violent manner ? You have to keep in mind that the earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth. With all due respect Mr. Al Gore , you are not a meteorologist or a scientist , you do not have any evidence to prove or disprove your own theories about global climate change. And even if you knew the truth about what is causing the changes we are experiencing on a global level would you tell us? I doubt very seriously you would. Some of your constituency has even gone as far as blaming the climate change on bovine flatulence. Really?!?! The fact is no one can pinpoint one contributing factor because there are too many to count. This planet has been here for a very long time and has gone through climate changes many times before we arrived here so maybe its a natural cycle that happens no matter what's going on or whos doing it. However ,Raping the earth of its natural resources for financial gain will come back around to bite us all on the rear, and when it does you will be sitting in a bunker you cannot leave looking at all your stacks of gold, none of which you can eat or drink. I wonder what your last thoughts will be on that final day when the heavens and the earth stand up with a thunderous rumbling and say NO MORE of you and your shameful ways. I'm sure you will delete this message, if it even gets posted. We all must get back to natural ways of living in harmony with this planet or WE will not be around much longer.

Knowledge is power, and wisdom is the key that brings understanding. Be well friends,

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